Why is Interaction Important in Education?

No student learns alone and that is something that both parents and teachers should take into account. In order to achieve the scope of the academic objectives, a student must be in contact with others, especially with a guide to help them execute a good learning process and other members with whom they can relate, such as classmates, for example. In this way, we have developed this article, so each person could understand why interaction is important in education.

The first thing we have to do is to define what the interaction is. In this sense, the interaction refers to the situations in which all the people involved, as protagonists, act actively, simultaneously and reciprocally to fulfill a certain task. This term refers to the way in which the student learns using the content in relation to what surrounds him, including all entities that have a role inside and outside the classroom. All the communicative, environmental and behavioral components that integrate education have to do with it. That is, the interaction can be student-content, student-student and teacher-student.

However, the interaction can be presented in various ways. Experts in the educational field have affirmed the existence of three types, among which are:

  • Individualistic interaction: It is that type of interaction in which the student acts for his benefit. Here, each person sets different objective and seeks to achieve an independent goal. Learning is achieved according to the capacity and effort of each one and joint actions have little relevance.
  • Competitive interaction: This type of interaction generates an intrinsic link with social assessment and rewards. The objectives and goals of a student are not independent of those that the rest of the group has since, through competition, they obtain motivation to work.
  • Cooperative interaction: It is considered as the most positive type of interaction and it also encourages teamwork to solve problems. The achievement of the objectives is reached through the interaction of joint efforts and the goals of each student are beneficial for himself and for the rest.

Cooperative interaction is seen as the ideal way to develop educational programs, nevertheless, each one is very important and can give significant contributions according to how it is implemented.

  • Importance of individualistic interaction: Through this type, independence and self-sufficiency are achieved. Then, each student is capable to strive in order to be able to get what they want and, thanks to that, actively participates in their own educational process. It helps to forge the character, drives the student to be self-taught and allows him to develop his communication skills.
  • Importance of competitive interaction: Competitiveness is inherent in the human being and should not be seen as something negative. On the educational level, competitive interaction helps the student to define their goals and objectives realistically when compared with what is present in their environment. Likewise, each student manages to compete positively and strive for rewards.
  • Importance of cooperative interaction: Through it, a significant aspect of education is worked on: positive interdependence. This consists in the perception that each student has about the existence of a link with their groupmates. This link is positive and supports the idea that they have to coordinate efforts, share resources and care about each other to achieve success.

More generally, the interaction is important since it is because of it that the student interacts by his own means, taking into account his surroundings and understanding interpersonal relationships as an element closely linked to his growth.

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