
Study area: It should have an ergonomically-friendly chair and table with room to place books, writing supplies, etc.

It should also be a room with sufficient ventilation and a comfortable temperature for the child.

Lighting: Natural light is preferable or indirect with sufficient artificial lighting

Noise: Concentration is essential to the individual education process. This is why it is not recommending that the student’s learning area NOT be in high-traffic areas within your house (i.e. kitchen, dining room, front room. It should be a dedicated location in your house for school work.

Yes. Your child will have real time interactions with her classmates and teacher just like you would in a brick and mortar school. You will see and hear each other during the course of the school day. The only difference is that they are not in the same physical classroom

Your child’s teacher is responsible to helping you with ALL concerns regarding your child’s success in Ideal School. 

Yes. With every tuition you receive online curriculum access. It is accessible in your child’s student portal at www.idealschool.education

Every parent has a portal where they can see messages from their student’s teacher and the school, report cards, and test scores.













You should inform your child’s teacher.

Yes. Ideal School is accredited by (formerly Advanc-Ed). It is the world’s most recognized accreditation institutions. There are more than 30,000,000 students in 26,000 schools in 87 countries that are accredited by Cognia. You can visit Cognia’s website to see that Ideal School is one of these accredited schools  www.cognia.org

The teacher has the keys to the classroom and he or she determines who may enter.


Your child’s teacher is your to-go-person. He or she may need other support to resolve you technical issue, but he or she will ensure that your issue is solved quickly.

Yes. Once the student has the list of his or her classes, they can use the PDF file’s hyper links for the classroom he or she wants to enter.

  • A flat screen monitor/computer
  • An HD video camera

You only need an internet browser.

Your connection should be high-speed with at least a download speed of at least 10 Mbps and an upload speed of 3 Mbps.

You can do an internet connection test from the following website: http://www.speedtest.net/


Every month we have “Town Hall” meeting where all parents are invited to use our video conferencing system to discuss important issues and questions with Ideal School leadership and owners.

Yes. It is located in the Norton Building in downtown Seattle, Washington, USA. The address is 506 2nd Ave., Suite# 1400 / Seattle, WA, USA 98104.

We accept Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and EnRoute.

Yes. There are a variety of reasons for re-embursments. We recommend you view our refund policy: https://idealschool.education/refund-policy/

Monthly tuition payments are due on the first business day of each month. Late payments will incur a late fee and after 30 days of late payment, you may become “un-enrolled” from Ideal School.


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