How to Make Friends in a Multicultural Environment

Girl waving her hand in an online class.

A multicultural environment is great for your child’s development and growth. Your child can develop social and cognitive abilities by interacting with kids from diverse backgrounds and geographical locations.

Understandably, your child may have trouble adjusting in the beginning. They may find it difficult to make friends and have meaningful interactions. Here are a few ways to encourage your child to make friends in a multicultural environment.

Start a Conversation

Encourage your child to start conversations with their peers. These conversations can be general and can focus on getting to know the other person. A good conversation can form the basis of a solid friendship in the future.

Be Empathetic

Get your child to put themselves in their peers’ shoes. Encourage your child to ask about their friend’s experiences and understand what their day-to-day activities are like. Empathy is a trait that can go a long way, and it can help your child create long-lasting friendships.

Learn About Their Culture

Give your child a set of questions that they can ask their friends. These questions can relate to the specifics of their culture, language, and customs. The more your child will learn about their friends’ culture, the more they’ll be able to get along with each other.

Find Common Ground

Your child needs to find common ground with their friend. It can be a shared activity or a similar custom in both cultures. The relatability factor will increase between both friends, and they can have interesting and meaningful conversations.

Celebrate Cultural Events

Encourage your child to learn about their friend’s cultural events and occasions. Equip them to celebrate the significant days and let them have fun with their friend. It’ll also give both friends the opportunity to have more common ground and a shared occasion that they can bond over.

Boy in yellow shirt interacting in an online class.

An online bilingual school is a great place to expose your child to a multicultural environment. Get your child enrolled with us at Ideal School. We’re a professional online bilingual school where your child can receive one of the best virtual educations in the US.

Our diverse student body has children from all over the US, Caribbean, and Latin America who come together to interact in our virtual space. It’s a great opportunity for your child to get top-quality remote learning from home while giving them the chance to connect with children from other cultures.

Learn more about us and enroll your child in our multicultural environment now. For further assistance, give us a call at 1 888-390-7044.

Picture of Eric Franzen

Eric Franzen

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