How to Keep Up Effective Communication with Teachers in Online Classes

During the COVID-19 pandemic millions of students suffered due to the closure of schools. Fortunately, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, around 93% of households in the country opted for online schooling for their school-age children.  The pandemic has dramatically affected the way children are being educated.

Even with infection rates going down and schools reopening, many parents are choosing to continue with online schooling for their young children to ensure their safety.

Two kids attending online classes while sitting on a couch in their home


While there are numerous benefits of online schooling, communication between parents and teachers can be challenging. Constructive parent and teacher communication is imperative to ensure effective learning for your child in online classes. It can help highlight any key areas of weakness for the child and allow them to get better education moving forward.

Here are some tips to help parents and teachers maintain effective communication to help the child do better in online classes:

Begin The Year By Discussing Expectations And Curriculum

The first step to effective parent teacher communication is setting a solid base. You can do that by asking for an introductory meeting at the start of the year where you can discuss the academic expectations for your child for the year and go over the curriculum to know what to expect that year.

Create A Communication Schedule With The Teacher

The next step is setting up some sort of communication schedule with the teacher that will allow you to stay up-to-date with your child’s progress and connect with the teacher on a regular basis. We recommend that you communicate with the teacher bi-weekly to make sure your child doesn’t fall behind and you can easily discuss any concerns you have before things escalate and cause problems for your child’s progress.

A mother helping her child with online classes


Keep Track Of Your Child’s Progress

The final step is to do your part and keep track of your child’s progress. Scheduling regular communication with your child’s teacher won’t help if you don’t know what your child is learning and whether they’re keeping up with homework, projects, and assignments. Go over what your child learns each day to reinforce the lesson. Identify any areas where they need extra help, which you can mention to the teacher during your next scheduled communication, or through email if urgent.

Enroll Your Child In Online Classes From Ideal School

As a private online bilingual school, Ideal School is dedicated to helping its students acquire proficiency in English and Spanish by providing top-quality virtual classes for kids, virtual learning classes for kindergarten, and professional online language classes. We offer online classes to teachers and students in countries all over the North and South America.

To learn more, visit our website here.

Picture of Eric Franzen

Eric Franzen

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