There are at least 350 languages spoken in the United States, and English is only one of them. So, it is a bit ignorant of one only to know one language when there are so many more spoken widely in the country.
But only 20 percent of the US population can speak more than one language despite having the second-largest Spanish-speaking population in the world, and that’s probably because of Dora!
Being bilingual has some profound benefits, and most Americans are losing out here.
It Strengthens Your Brain
Opens Up Career Opportunities
Needless to say, speaking more languages can open up some great career paths. Some jobs and organizations require people to be bilingual or multilingual, such as those in the travel or tourism industry, journalism, and even government jobs in the foreign office.
Additionally, knowing another language can help you move upwards within your company or industry as languages are counted as skills, making you more competitive. They can help you move to positions at a foreign branch and so on.
A Tool for Socializing
Knowing another language can be very useful for making friends and building connections with people from different countries and cultures. It can help you interact better and learn more about the world and its many cultures.
Additionally, it can be convenient during traveling. If you’re visiting, say, Spain, and you already know Spanish, you’ll have a better time interacting with the locals there, and you won’t have to depend on a tour guide or move with a tour group. I
t’ll be much easier and cheaper to explore on your own.
You should start preparing for your post-pandemic trip to Spain today! You can start learning Spanish at an online school for language courses like ours! We have professional online language classes.
Get in touch with us today to learn more!