The education model that emerged more than 2000 years ago has always been effective but, at this time and thanks to the revolution of the digital era, it can be considered a bit archaic. Formerly, it was enough to have a pencil and paper to study some lessons and gain knowledge; however, nowadays, there is an infinite number of tools that can be very useful in the learning subject.
As it is obvious, Internet and the invention of different devices that currently exist in the market, allow each person to have much more access to a larger amount of information, for that reason, if new technologies are used responsibly, they turn out to be of great help within the teaching process and can even improve it in many ways. Also read Challenges and advantages of educational technology
One of the most important aspects is that technology gives students a greater number of devices where they can locate the information they need. In other words, it is no longer imperative that someone spends hours in a library consulting a huge encyclopedia to be able to find a topic they are analyzing. The technological advance offers what we know as “virtual books”, the same material that used to be employed in schools years ago but now available on some mobile device that, in addition to being more accessible, contains search tools to locate specific information in an easier way.
In addition to this, another characteristic in favor of digital evolution is the creation of online schools that follow the objectives of distance education. This innovative method has become very popular with the passing of time since it starts from the premise of adapting to the needs of the student, who should not leave home to attend a class or study a specific text. All that is required, in this case, is to have some electronic device and network connection; thus, the student will have access to a virtual classroom and a large number of resources without having to travel to any face-to-face institute.
In this vein, we have interactivity. Technology allows the teaching process to be much more dynamic and interactive, this happens thanks to the fact that it offers more variety of instruments aimed at improving the acquisition of knowledge, making the student feel more committed and motivated to learn.
Like any area, it has its weaknesses, nonetheless, it is up to the teacher to transform the way in which new technologies are used and make the most of what they have to offer. For example, standard education promoted the development of memory and retention of information in the short and long term, but now it is common to have at hand an intelligent device that allows us to find what we need quickly. For all that, educators can take advantage of this situation to foster skills derived from creativity and teamwork, or the ability to understand and critically analyze; competencies that will be very useful in the future and adapt better to the time.
It should be noted that parents and representatives also play a very important role at this point, especially when it comes to primary schooling. Therefore, it is highly recommended that they also be part of the educational process of their children and that they are in charge both of supporting and encouraging them to achieve their goals and of regulating the use of technology by limiting the time dedicated to entertainment or leisure purposes.
Regardless of whether it is an online school for kids or if homeschooling is preferred; technology, its use, and the role of parents are determining elements in the student’s training.