The Difference Between IdealSchool and Other Online Schools

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Ideal School was founded on the belief that learning should be fun and engaging. It was also founded on the knowledge that traditional online schools are not fun nor engaging. The largest online school providers in the United States rely almost exclusively on technology to instruct your student.

They have what they call “live lessons” where the teacher will sit in a chair and talk at the children for up to one hour a day. This can be VERY difficult and boring for young learners. Many young students do not have the ability to utilize technology well enough to navigate these providers’ computer-based learning platforms. Ideal School utilizes technology to connect students and teachers in a real-time learning environment.

However, it does not rely on videos, daily tests, and boring and difficult web-based questionnaires like these other providers. Rather, Ideal School utilizes a very easy-to-use video conference system to connect up to 16 students per classroom with a REAL, live, professional teacher. The students and teacher work together for 7 hours a day. This is in contrast to traditional online schools where the mother or father of the student is responsible to be the proxy teacher, ensuring their child does the boring daily work and tests.

Additionally, Ideal School utilizes a wonderful all-in-one broadcasting system that comes with your tuition. Marantz Turret broadcasting system is built to last with high-quality features such as adjustable high-definition video, high-quality audio, and fully adjustable lighting that has interchangeable filters to fit your child’s mood. This is in stark contrast to traditional online schools who rely on your laptop computer’s audio and video, which are always poor quality.

Finally, IdealSchool differs from traditional online schools because we are about you and not the money. We are a private, international, dual language school. We have the combined experience to provide a world-class education that is personalized to your student with engaging instruction, rigorous curriculum from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and delivered in the comfort and safety of your home with provided technology and hardware that will eliminate the need for the student’s parent to be the proxy teacher. This makes learning fun and it allows the parent to run their family business in their home or take care of younger children, or just enjoy the freedom of NOT having to prepare lessons, deliver instruction, and be constantly frustrated, as the parents of traditional online schools. So if you would like the VERY best instruction, engaging and fun learning, and NO headaches for the parents nor children, then you have come to the right place. Ideal School is the ideal school for your family!

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