Since the World Health Organization decreed COVID-19 as a pandemic, last March and in many countries around the world, preventive measures have been taken to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus causing the disease COVID-19.
One of them is quarantine. This is a measure that involves people staying at home under preventive isolation. Therefore, the main places where there are crowds of people, such as shopping malls, theaters, and cinemas, have closed their doors.
The same happened with schools. As a way to protect all students, teachers, and general staff, classes were suspended. This has generated that children and young people require completely changing their regular study routine.
We know that, as parents, dealing with this fact can be a bit tricky. Carrying out educational tasks from home is not as easy for everyone, as it seems. However, we want to let you know that it is possible and, to help you a little in this regard, we bring you this series of tips that you can apply during isolation by a coronavirus.
– Promote healthy information.
Both adults and children must know what is happening. Help your children learn the necessary information about the virus, the symptoms, and how to prevent it. We must understand that everyone, including the small, little ones in the house, is in contact with a lot of information a day. Therefore, we must succeed in identifying what is correct and what is not.
– The organization is the key.
Routine is essential for students, especially for children. Organize a study schedule in which they will review the topics seen and carry out the pending tasks. It is recommended that you allocate hours to study, read, do activities, rest, and get distracted. It is also advisable that you help them wake up always at the same time, so they will not lose the habit of going to school or attending a class online.
– Clarify all your doubts.
Children are very likely not understanding what is really happening. It is the task of all parents to educate them about the situation and to be supportive of them. Again, we stress the importance of knowing vital information related to the pandemic, the virus, and what it can cause. Teaching them to prevent is the best tool.
– Play with them.
Family dynamics will not only help them develop cognitive skills but will also improve their physical health. Similarly, playing with them will help clear your mind, not get bored, stay active, and it’s also an excellent way to strengthen ties with family members,
– Take advantage of digital resources.
The Internet is our best ally right now. You can take advantage of all the benefits of digital resources and online education. There are many courses and programs that students can attend from home. There are also tutorials or videos on the web that can be very useful for specific activities such as those related to crafts, cooking, or learning a new language.
Extra tips that you should take into account.
- Try to enroll your kids in an online live school. Train them to learn online from home.
- Regulates the time of use of mobile, Computer devices and television.
- Work from home motivation, inspire your children to study and stay healthy.
- Do not forget about patience and love; family values should not be left behind.
- Try to lower anxiety levels.
- Spend quality times with your kids.
Difficult times can be used to reap many benefits. Being at home does not mean losing educational quality. Isolation can be an opportunity to be with family and learn many new things. So stay safe, utilize the time, and we can fight the Epidemic of COVID-19 Together.