It’s Time For Change
by Sandra Lombana
It is time for multilingual education to be available to every child on this planet.
It is time for each boy and girl to have access to intercultural and multidisciplinary knowledge from wherever they are
It is time for technology and the world of the Internet to bring in people full of curiosity and connect them for the benefit of knowledge and learning.
It is time that the potential and the capacity of action of each little one is visualized and valued with the intention of growing personally and collectively.
It is time to take advantage of the available tools and equip them to make all children global citizens aware and committed.
It is time to allow us to make mistakes and include our children in an environment of trust and respect where we can solve and find solutions together.
It is time to question and investigate the unknown, the mysterious, the unattainable, the scientific and others with our most intrepid followers.
It’s time to be like our little ones, players and explorers, experimenters and adventurers even at a distance.
It’s time to take advantage of virtual platforms to socialize and connect freely and healthily.
It is time to generate changes within us, that we can externalize and viralize through positive contagion.
It is time to treasure transparency, friendship, family, community, respect, compassion, love and how much courage each boy teaches us in his innocence.
It is time to surround ourselves with what makes us prosper, to find places, people and unique moments that allow us to accumulate beautiful memories.
It’s time to be part of a learning community that believes and values this and more …
It’s time for IdealSchool.