How Bullying Affects Our Children at School

In the next 5 minutes, a child in America will be a victim of bullying. It could be someone you know, like a friend’s son, a nephew or even your own daughter. The saddest thing is that during the next five minutes, it is estimated that only 3 out of every 100 adults intervene so that this does not happen. In addition, only a few of the child’s classmates will intervene so that this does not happen.

How Bullying Affects Our Children at School


As parents, we hope that school is an environment where our children can  learn with confidence, respect, and friendship. Free of any risk of violence or harassment so that they can give 100% to their academic performance. The reality is different.

Bullying can be any action or conduct that:

  • Makes a child afraid of being hurt
  • Damages both the physical and/or the mental health of the child
  • Negatively impacts the child’s school performance
  • Makes a child not want to participate in activities and become more introverted

This type of bullying behavior is usually:

  • Threats
  • Intimidation
  • Stalking
  • Physical violence
  • Sexual harassment or sexual violence.
  • Theft
  • Public humiliation
  • Destruction of property

As parents, we have to be very careful with bullying, since this affects our children in a lasting way. It even has a greater impact on their adult life. Those who are bullies, victims or both are more likely to experience poverty, academic failure, and incarceration. That is why we must choose the safest way for our children to have quality education without fear of being bullied, as is only true in a virtual school.

Thanks to virtual schools such as IdealSchool, our children can be educated in a safe way, and we as parents can rest assured that our children will not suffer from bad influences such as bullying, alcohol or drugs that can affect them. Mistakingly, we have relied on traditional schools. We send a completely well-mannered and outgoing child to them and years later we receive a totally different person, thanks to the behavior of their classmates, or the irresponsibility of some educators for not intervening in these behaviors.

Among other reasons, Ideal School was founded because of this sad reality. We want to provide world-class education, without risks, without geographical borders, and most importantly, without negative and harmful influences.

Ideal School, where education is ideal.

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